Depth Psychological Work
Depth psychological work is based on Analytical or Jungian Psychology and an Ecopsychological approach. The goal of working is the process of becoming fully human, activating creativity, finding one's mission in life, and living a meaningful life in accordance with one's own values, rooted in Nature.
Depth Psychological work can guide you:
1. To process the most central and critical transitional phase of modern human life - the midlife crisis - and use it as a gateway to your truest self
2. To understand your shadow side - the parts of your experience which you have learned to ignore and had to push out of your consciousness, into the "basement of the mind"
3. To consciously connect with different aspects of yourself: conscious and unconscious, rational and non-rational, masculine and feminine, body and mind, and to live more fully
4. To realize your own spiritual path, and to find a connection to the deeper aspects of yourself - with the goal of individuation development, becoming your true self and fully human
5. To discover the power and possibilities of dream work, active imagination, body work and creativity
6. To find a connection not only to your inner world, but also to the surrounding world and nature - to come to the realization that we are nature
Who can benefit from Depth Psychology work?
The inner invitation to examine one's life may come in many forms: illness, divorce, children moving out of the house, dissatisfaction with work, low energy and lack of interest in things that previously seemed important. People who apply to work often say that they are in some kind of crisis, some kind of turning point in their life from which it is difficult to find a straightforward way out.
The Depth Psychology approach may suit you if
- You are over 35 years old You are transitioning or living the "second half" of life and you recognize the signs of a midlife crisis in yourself
- You're asking, "Is this all there is?", "Who am I?" or "Whose life am I living?"
- You long for a more meaningful life and you feel the change rising in you, but you don't know how to proceed
- You ponder big and fundamental questions about existence, ageing, the limited time of life and invitable death, and want to make the most of your life